Monday, 22 November 2010

Price of my magazine

The price of my magazine is going to be 2.50 because it needs money to publish it and you get free stickers and posters which will cost,and chances to win free gig tickets,which will interest the target audience of teenagers,and the magazine publisher will need money to pay for them. It is a affordable price as the target audience of 16-24 will be getting a income from college or a job. There will be deals you can subrsibe to like £8 for 4 magazines during the course of two months,saving you £2. There will be 4 magazines during the space of two months,because i will publish it every two weeks.

Target auidence of my magazine

The target audience for my magazine is teenagers/early adults from ages 16-24. The SEG will be working class C1-E because the magazine is not to expensive but enough so people who work or have a income can afford. The target audience will be interested in the alternative music genre,they will listen to bands such as Muse,Vampire weekend and The cure. It will be a British published magazine which means the audience will be from either,England,Scotland,Wales or Ireland.

analysis of magazine (x3)


L- The masthead/Title of the magazine is the brightest and most recognisable thing on the page, it is placed in the top left hand corner which is keeps the conventions of any magazine, because even if the magazine isn’t music related, the masthead is usually in the same place. The colour of the masthead could tie in with the red top newspapers that they are focusing on the entertainment side of the music like songs, and promote the band. The Red top idea also links in with the inside of this magazine, because the pages are paper not smooth like other magazines. The masthead is also a indent because it is on every front cover of every magazine that Q have ever published so people recognise this masthead with Q the magazine, or Q the music channel. The colours they have used on this front cover all link together like a house style. The editor has chosen the colours blue, white, and grey and black these make the front cover look more professional. ‘MUSE’ has to stand out a lot in white because it is the main headline because the band is on he front cover, and is the main attention. The light blue box’s with the white writing on work well because without the blue box’s it would be hard to read the white writing on the grey background. The photograph is taken on a grey backdrop which makes the band look sophisticated, as do the colours of the bands clothing like black connotates mystery and sophistication,as to who are these three people? We want to know more about them. It is a long shot, which gets in the whole of the band, from head to toe, I think it shows how big of a band they are. A bar code is a main convention of a music magazine because it shows the buyer directly were the price is and what edition it is. All the main bands in this magazine stand out because of the blue background, and we can tell these are going to be included inside of the magazine. The layout is nicely spread out, with the texts not to tight together which makes this professional. The Strap line under muse is summing up that MUSE want to be really successful and make it big, by even saying they will be the first band in space.

I- The Institution for Q magazine is Bauer media, this is Europe’s privately owned publishing group, it is one of the largest in the UK. It publishes over 300 magazines including Q, kerrang and mojo. These are publishes in 15 countries as well as on the Internet, on the TV and radio stations. Bauer Media took over EMAP in 2008. According to the Bauer media website it employs 6,400 people to help towards creating the magazines.  Bauer media spans over 80 brand magazine names covering music, football, and celebrity gossip. Weekly magazines are things like Parkers, MATCH, CAR and yours.

I- I Think this front cover conveys that bands in the alternative music industry are just as normal as anybody else, because the entire band on the front cover is doing is standing and being normal, like anybody else. The band ‘MUSE’ dress individual so it gives across the message be who you want to be, they don’t have there own style like heavy metal bands would, with there long hair and black coats. MUSE just dress with no identity which relates back to the music genre alternative.

A-The audience of Q magazine are males as their primary audience,and females as their secondary audience. The SEG is ABC1 because the audience are people who work and have a income enough to afford the magazine monthly. The age range is 17-30 given the music artist's inside,people will have grown up with these bands. The audience will be interested in the indie/alternative genre of music,because that is what this magazine covers.
R-It represents the band and the music genre in a positive way, there are no bad rumour headlines on the front cover. The man in the grey is been represented as the leader of the band because he has been placed in front of the other two men and he is in a grey jacket and they are in black. They are been represented as indivual’s because they don’t look like pop star’s who look like the mainstream industry has shaped them all to look the same, like for example the Saturday’s have been made to be the stereotypical pop band with one member with different coloured hair.


L- The contents page keeps to the conventions of a contents page by telling us the reader what is on each page, in the magazine. It has kept the house style from the masthead on the front cover, being red. There are a lot of different photos which attract the audience’s attention. There is a lot of information on the contents page telling you what is on each page and little quote’s on the photo. The contents page is dominated by photo's and little information,people will be more attracted to the photo's then reading the information.

I- The institution is the same as the front cover because it is still in the same magazine. The institution is Bauer media,a German created privately owned publishing group,it is one of the largest in the UK. It also publishes music magazines including Kerrang and mojo.
I- I think the ideology of the contents page is just to be who you want to be,be individual because the photo's on this contents page are individual there not like made to do something specific in there photo shoot for the magazine,they are just enjoying them self.

A- The audience is still the same audience as the front cover as males as their primary audience and females as the secondary because there is more male artists in the alternative genre then females. The SEG is still ABC1 because the audience are people who work and have a income to afford the magazine monthly. The age range is still 17-30,because the artists on the contents have a wide age range them self,so the audience will have grown up with the artists or just general interest in them.

R- The contents page represents a wide variety of artists in the music genre alternative,females,males,teens,and adult artists and different ethnicity. They represent them in a positive light by having them doing what they do best and performing their music. They are represented as been different.


L- The language on this double page spread as been used in a postive way,there is not much text but a good photo taken by shamil tana,as it says on the byline at the bottom of the page. The text is big and white which really stands out and lets you know what the double page spread is about 'MUSE' . On this double paged spread it includes a advertisment for another page in the magazine,this will make the auidence want to carry on reading after they have finished with the current page,keeping them interested. It gives a short paragraph about the band and what they are getting up to. This is short and snappy to make you want to find out more,on the next double paged spread.

I- The institution is the same as the front cover and contents page because it is still in the same magazine. The institution is Bauer media,a German created privately owned publishing group,it is one of the largest in the UK. It also publishes music magazines including Kerrang and mojo. Craig Mclean is the writer of this double page spread,this is wrote in the byline of the page and Shamil tana was the photographer for the double page spread.

I- The ideology of this double page is i think individuality because the photographer has just placed them on a plain background which doesn't place them in any music category,and makes them look more powerful because everything is focused on them,as there is nothing to look at in the background.

A- The audience is still the same audience as the front cover and the content page as males as their primary audience and females as the secondary because there is more male artists in the alternative genre then females. The SEG is still ABC1 because the audience are people who work and have a income to afford the magazine monthly. The age range is still 17-30,because the artists on the contents have a wide age range them self,so the audience will have grown up with the artists or just general interest in them.

R-The representation in this double page spread is giving muse a positive representation,its not showing them doing anything bad,and the paragph does not make you come across them in a bad way. It represents them looking in control and powerful the way they are standing shows that they dont listen to anybody else and do what they want for example the band memeber on the left is crossing his arms to show he doesnt care and is a bit on the edge.

analysis of magazine 2

L- This magazine is a poster and interview special of Paramore. Sometimes magazines do this to bring in more money and a better audience range. The pictures dominate The front cover but the text also stands out because white works well against a dark coloured background.  The masthead is conventionally in the same place as any other magazine which is in the top left. The title of the magazine is a indent,which means it is recognisable everywhere,sort of like a logo. Also in the masthead is the the website of the magazine which gives it extra promotion,seen as everything is turning to technology today including magazines. The bar code is a main convention in every magazine,because it shows the price of the magazine which the audience need to know. Kerrang have chosen to use the most popular house style colours on their front page,been red because it stands out and is associated with red top newspapers/tabloids,this is when a magazine or newspaper is dominated by pictures,red top newspapers focus mainly on entertainment,so this could of been why they choose the colour red. Also black and white are popular colours in a magazine because they work well together. To keep it professional all the photos are in line with the masthead on the side so it doesn't look messy and un professional. The name of the magazine 'KERRANG' is meant to be the sound of a long strum of a electric guitar which is a onomatopoeic sound,and the text looks like a cracked in a rock star kind of way. The front cover of this magazine doesn't have any headlines just features of what is included inside. The different size fonts make it less boring and attract the reader.

I- The values and beliefs of this magazine is pure rock. It sets trends of how the teen's who read it dress because it advertises band clothing lines and other clothing brands. This edition of kerrang is to inform the readers about the band on the front. The opinions on kerrang is that it is a rock based magazine,and all about heavy metal but its not it has different genre's inside of the rock/indie genre. There are lots of different bands with there own style. There is no pop or r&b music inside kerrang.

I-  The Institution for Kerrang magazine is Bauer media,this is Europe's privately owned publishing group,it is one of the larget in the UK. It publishes over 300 magazine's including Q,kerrang and mojo. These are publishes in 15 countries as well as on the internet,on the TV and radio stations. Bauer Media took over EMAP in 2008. 6,400 employers help towards creating the magazine's.  Bauer media spans over 80 brand magazine names covering music,football,and celebrity gossip. Weekly magazines are things like Parkers,MATCH,CAR and yours. Kerrang magazine is the world's largest weekly music mag.

A- The audience of kerrang magazine according to the media pack is individually minded, independent of thought and musically experienced, an audience defined by attitude, passion and loyalty people. Its current circulation is 43,000 people reading it. It is another magazine what appeals to a niche wide ranged audience. Round about 60% of the readers are males because there are more male appealing bands and round 40% of the audience are female. The SEG (Social Economic group) is ABCD because it is affordable in is out every two weeks. Kerrang mainly want to target people age 16-24. According to kerrang magazine its psycographic is defined as 'people who aspire to be respected among other people and people who are interested in music' It wants to influence new artists.

R- This magazine is representing females and males but mainly males because the main image on the front cover is a female,she looks more in power because she is standing in front of the males. They are mainly wearing black with connotates mystery and secret. The women is represented in a positive way at the front of the males because this shows that she is the lead signer. They look like they are represented to look quite powerful as you can tell by the way they are standing they have been positioned this way. Even the way they look at the camera,with the boys hands in there pockets.


L- This contents page includes the usual conventions of having page numbers and information about what is on the following pages in the magazine,this is called the 'contents' of the magazine. The banner headline 'its a riot!' is a intertextual reference because  'riot' is the name of the bands second album,and is included in many sentences of the bands song lyrics. Kerrang have chosen to keep the same house style as the front cover as the colours work well together,house style makes it look more professional and less boring. Just like they have chosen different text sizes and fonts to stop it from looking boring to. On the left hand side kerrang tells the audience who the editors of this magazine are,this is a different type of a byline.

I-The Institution for Kerrang is Bauer media,this is Europes privately owned publishing group,it is one of the larget in the UK. It publishes over 300 magazine's including Q,kerrang and mojo. These are publishes in 15 countries as well as on the internet,on the TV and radio stations. Bauer Media took over EMAP in 2008. 6,400 employers help towards creating the magazine's.  Bauer media spans over 80 brand magazine names covering music,football,and celebrity gossip. Weekly magazines are things like Parkers,MATCH,CAR and yours.

I- The ideology of this contents page is to tell inform the audience what is inside the rest of the magazine.  It doesn't set any trends,but the younger audience could like what the band is wearing and follow their fashion trend.The opinions on kerrang is that it is a rock based magazine,and all about heavy metal but its not it has different genre's inside of the rock/indie genre. There are lots of different bands with there own style. There is no
values and beliefs of this magazine is pure rock. It sets trends of how the teen's who read it dress because it advertise's band clothing lines and other clothing brands. This edition of kerrang is to inform the readers about the band on the front. The opinions on kerrang is that it is a rock based magazine,and all about heavy metal but its not it has different genre's inside of the rock/indie genre. There are lots of different bands with there own style. There is no

A- The audience of kerrang magazine s aimed at people in the age group of 16-24 and have the SEG of ABCD so they can afford to buy it every fortnight. 60% of the target audience are males and 40% females. Obviously its audience is people who are interested in this type of music genre rock/indie.According to the media pack on the bauer website kerrangs audience is for the individually minded,independent of thought and musically experienced,and audience defined by attitude,passion and loyalty people. Its circulation is round about 43,000 people. Because it is a niche magazine is appeals to a wide audience instead of just the people who like the genre,there could be a band what interest them on the front cover,so this makes them buy the full magazine.

R- The contents page is still representing the same band from the front cover,still in a positive way. Still representing males and females,as been artists. The way the photographer has taken the photo's it makes the band look creative from the photo with the hands with eyeballs on. This is saying that they have a great imagination to succeed there goals as been a band,and that anybody could do so. The paragraph makes them sound like they would be good influences for young children who want to achieve something.


L- This double pages spread is a timeline of the bands success and starts of with a paragraph about the band for the audience who doesn't know who they are. It is 50% dominated by pictures and 50% dominated by text. House style is continuous through out the double page spread to,The quotes are big and red which grabs the readers attention. Page numbers are conventional on a double page spread and during the whole magazine,and kerrang have put them on here. The pictures have been placed in a straight line between the text so it makes it look professional.

I-The Institution for kerrang magazine is Bauer media,this is Europes privately owned publishing group,it is one of the largest in the UK. It publishes over 300 magazine's including Q,kerrang and mojo. These are publishes in 15 countries as well as on the Internet,on the TV and radio stations. Bauer Media took over EMAP in 2008. 6,400 employers help towards creating the magazine's.  Bauer media spans over 80 brand magazine names covering music,football,and celebrity gossip. Weekly magazines are things like Parkers,MATCH,CAR and yours.

I- The ideology and beliefs of the double page spread is to set trends of young people or young artists to believe in anything and they can successed if they try,because paramore became from nothing and now are successful so anybody can do that. The contents page is to inform readers about the band and how they got so famous. Its values and beliefs are pure rock and music. The opinions on kerrang is that is it a rock based magazine and heavy magazine but its not it has smaller genre's inside and they are bands with these genre's in kerrang.
A-The audience of kerrang magazine according to the media pack is individually minded, independent of thought and musically experienced, an audience defined by attitude, passion and loyalty people. It has a niche audience because its magazine appeals to a wide range. 60% of the readers are males and 40% females,i think this is because there are more male bands then females in this industry. The SEG is ABCD because it is affordable for people who can buy it twice a week. Kerrang tagret the ages 16-24.

R-This double page spread shows lots of different photos of the band and looks at them in a positive fun way,shows them enjoying them self doing what they do best. The photos in the double page spread explain more about the band than the article does. It shows previous examples of kerrang magazine including this band. Both females and males are represented,as artiste's playing instruments or using vocal cords.

liiar analysis of magazine (x1)


L- Because NME is associated with old music as well as new,the colours they have chosen to use links in with this work well,because gold white and red all go together good as a house style and gold connotates old fashioned and also successful.The 'NME' masthead stands out and is recognisable because it looks the same in every edition of NME. Like in any other magazine the date and price of the magazine is in line with the masthead. The headlines on the left hand side are in line with the masthead (which is also in its traditional convention place of been in the top left)this is a continuous convention in magazine's it makes it look professional. Nmes masthead is a indent because people recognise it as been a music magazine when they see it. On the front cover it has a music competition which is a good way of grabbing the audience's attention and make them want to buy the magazine to read more inside. The layout is neatly spread out for the audience to read clearly,and the different size texts makes it look appealing. The bar code is essential for a music magazine because when buying it it needs to be scanned for the price. The front cover includes a strap line under the main headline with a quote from one of the headline story's,i think they have picked the most eye grabbing quote because the artist has used taboo language and it has had to have been covered up,this may attract the audience who could also be shocked about it. This magazine has a exclusive on the strokes in big letters on the front page,which means its a scoop which only NME are covering,this gives them a big boost for editions been sold that week,because they are the only ones who can publish that story,and it will be no where else.

I- The Institution company of NME magazine is ICP media (ttp:// It started in the mid 1963. Before Ipc media it was called International publishing Corporation,before they shorted this down to IPC.It is based in the United Kingdom .Ipc media produces 85 different magazines,according to the website stat's the company reaches two thirds of UK Women and 44% of men. And almost 27 million adults. They focus on three audiences which are men,mass market women and upmarket women. Its large portfolio sells over 350 million copies every year. In the 1990's ipc media publishes nme's online site and this later became the first big online music magazine website in Europe. In 2000 the publisher changed its name again to IPC media from IPC magazines.

I- The ideology of NME magazine is been rebellious. there are not many beliefs of this magazine as there is nothing much going on,on the cover. The leather clothes gives of a rebellious value to the front cover. The front cover also shows that. The audience is for people who have a individual mind,and have independent thoughts and are interested in music. It sets trends of individuality,and fashion trends of indie clothing. The front cover doesn't defy any social norms,there are no drug taking or rebellious things happening in the photos. It is not a mainstream magazine,because the bands are not mainstream either.

A- According to the NME media pack ( Its audience is a wide range of different people it says the male audience is 73% and age ranges from 17-30 but the secondary audience is 27% female. NME has a Niche audience which means it is a wide variety of people reading it. The average age is 25. The SEG is ABC1 which means they all have good income jobs which allows them to afford this magazine. 34% are working full time,18% are working part time and 26% are full time students, this gives them the opportunity to spend their money on NME magazine. There audience has a strong opinion on music and 80% of them feel that it is a important part of there life. 79% of the audience like to listen to new bands, with new songs out. 52% of there readers are interested in been a artists themselves, so they have a lot of interest in the articles what go into this magazine.

R- The front cover represents the artist in a positive way and gives him the image of been a stereotype of a rock star,because leather clothes connotate the rock chick image,because in the 1980's/1980's rock/alternative bands were seen in leather jackets. He looks like he has been represented to look vintage styled. There is not a negative representation in the front cover,the way the artist has been placed is chilled out on the bar,not really caring about anything. Just like stereotypical Rock star's dont have a care in the world.


L-The language features in this contents page are simple. It is a one sided contents page with the text dominating the page and only 1 main picture. There are different size texts to make it look professional,just like the layout does because all the words are in line with each over. The colours are like newspaper colours,been black and white this is good because the pages were not as glossy and looked like they were made to look like the inside of a newspaper. This may have been done to tie in with the genre of the magazine. The indent from the front cover on the masthead is also on the contents page,the ident is the 'nme' which is reconsigned everywhere. It also has the date on the contents page which is not common in magazines contents page's. Conventionally it includes information about what is in the rest of the magazine. It has an index so you can easily get to a headline what is on the front page. It advertises a deal to buy more magazine's this is trying to promote the magazine 'subscribe today and save 1.49,this lets the audience save money.

I- The institution of the contents page is just the same as the front cover which is ipc media it is based in the united kingdom and produces over 85 different magazines,according to the IPC website,the institution reaches two third of UK women and 44% of men. This is almost 27 million adults. There three main audiences are men,mass market women and upmarket women. It produces 350 million copies each year.

I- The ideology of the contents page is the same as the front cover nme is not a mainstream magazine and there are not many beliefs. The clothing that the artists were for example the picture on the contents page these clothes set of a trend like the stripey jumpers. this contents page doesn't give any social norms like drug taking or rebellious things,its just about the music and the music only. The magazine is not mainstream so allows individuality.

A- According the the nme media pack ( The audience has a age range from 17-30 with a male audience of 73% and a female audience of 27%. NME has a niche audience which means it has a wide variety of people reading it. The average reader age is 25. The SEG is ABC1 which means they all have a good income jobs which allows them to afford the magazine every month.

R- The representation of NME is represented positively. It gives of individual belief to be yourself and dont put yourself into a category. Although you might be put into a stereotype of been 'indie'. The values of this contents page is that it is simple context and the colours connotate with the genre. Two males are been represented in a positive way playing guitar's like the artist's they are.

Double paged spread

L- The language features in this double page spread is that one page is dominated by a full picture and the feature story is on the right hand side. This double page spread is a 'exclusive' which means only this magazine has the inside scoop on the story. They make a big deal of it been exclusive by putting a exclamation mark at the end and having it in a big attractive red background just behind the white words so it stands out and makes a point. Red is a good colour to have on a double page spread because it attracts people's eyes grabs there attention to the story. The big text shows a quote from the article and makes the page less dominated with small words. On the double page spread it conventionally has a byline with the name of the writer of the article and sometimes the photographers name which it does in this article. The colours are continuous in the magazine to keep it professional.

I-as the front page and the contents page the institution is still Ipc media,a Uk based institution started in 1963. It produces 85 different magazines according to its website ( Its main target audience is Men,mass market women and upmarket women. And 27 million adults. With all of its magazines the institution sells over 350 million copies each year. Nme was ipc media's first online site to publish,and later on it became one of the biggest music magazines in Europe.

I- The ideology on NME double page spread is the same as the contents page and double page spread. The values are about individual minds and independent thoughts and are interested in music. The magazine sets trends of fashion in the indie clothing industry. The double page spread doesn't defy any social norms and there are no drug taking or rebellious things,just one artist acting normal. It is not a mainstream magazine,because the bands are not mainstream either.

A-The audience is the same as the contents page and front cover,because it is in the same magazine according to the nme media pack ( The audience range is from age 17-30 and the male audience is 73% and the female audience 27%. Nme is a niche audience which means it has a wide variety of people reading it. The average age is 25. The SEG is ABC1 which means they can afford the magazine because they have good paid jobs.

R-Same representation as the contents page and front cover,it is represented positively,and gives of a individual belief to be yourself and don't put yourself into a cartography. Al though you might be put into a stereotype of been 'indie'. No females are been represented,just a male in a positive way rock style stereotypical way.

choosen genre

what is the chosen music genre,which your magazine will focus upon?

The key features of the genre consits of a wide range of sub genres that have grown from independent music,such as grune,bripop,bothic rock,indie pop,dream pop,indie rock,post rock It is a bit of everything. It has its own individual appeal,by not been mainstream and having its own identity. Usually the instruments involved with Alternative music are Electric guitar,bass guitar,keyboards,sometimes the drums and a obvious singer.

Here are some examples of Alternative bands..
Biffy Clyro
Cage The Elephant
the cure
vampire weekend
Arcade Fire
The Gossip

Here are some examples of videos for alternative bands..

Biffy Clyro-many of horror

Coldplay-Viva La Vida


Paramore-The only exception

Gorillaz - Stylo

Here are some examples of alternative bands websites..

Here are some photos of alternative bands...


The cure-

What magazines,currently in publication,cover this genre?




What features do they have in their magazine and how do these features tie in with their target audience expectations of representation?
The bands on the cover tie in with the target audience have expectations of representations because this links in with genre of the magazine. The features of a alternative/rock magazine is that there usually a drummer,a singer,a guitarist and a bass in the band,there stereotypically male but sometimes include females. The members are meant to be vintage and were skin tight jeans and checkered shirts and have piercings and tattoo's.

What additional features could you put in your magazine to make it stand out and appeal to an audience that is not already being marketed to?
chance to win free music gigs
different bands(more mainstream)
Free Posters

liiar anaylysis of the brief

In my music magazine i will need photo's what represent and reflect the music genre i have selected. These photos will need to leave enough room around the side to then add text. The text should be Colourful and keep a house style so it looks professional. My magazine will need a recognisable masthead what will be bold so every time people see this they will know what magazine its from. Sometimes a slogan makes the magazine more successful because it is another way of remembering the magazine,it gives a ring to it. It needs to include headline story's what tie in with the photo's on the cover and the music genre,headlines also make the front cover look less boring. Including a indent will give my magazine a identification,like a logo for example what could be used in every edition.The music magazine will need a bar code because it will not be free,and people will want to know the price. On the double page spread i will need to include the Byline which is the name of the writer and if i include photos i will need a Caption under them,which is a headline under the photo saying what it is. The layout on the contents page and double paged spread will need to be set out nicely so its easy to read. The colours red and black are quite bold and will grab peoples attention so this could be used as a house style. Bright and bold colours are associated with alternative music. Close ups or low angle shots will be a good idea of what camera angles the photos i will take will be shot in,A close up will show emotion in the artist's face and a low angle will make them look powerful and higher up in society.

The Institution will be Bauer media. It is Europe's largest publishing magazine group. It offers a worldwide media empire producing over 300 magazine in fifteen countries. It also publishes online and TV and radio stations. Bauer media is based in the UK and is based on magazines and radio. It owns magazines like Kerrang,mojo,Q and empire. It also owns 30+ more magazines not just music related. The institution employs 6,4000 people a year and has a turnover of 2.08 billion Euros.

The beliefs and values of this music magazine will have to be about music and how somebody can go from nothing to a big alternative star,if they believe in themselves they will get somewhere. It could influence new star's in the making to go for there dream,because that's how all alternative bands start out with a goal to be successful.  I want to send out the message that individuality is okay and you can like whatever music you want.

The audience of my magazine will be teenagers from 14-30 who generally listen to alternative music. Because alternative music is not that popular the age range wouldn't be as wide because more people seem to listen to pop music. The SEG would be C1-E because it is not a popular music genre and people in the SEG c1-A Tend to listen to more popular/classical music. The gender will be female and male but the primary gender will be male because there are more male bands in alternative music,and the secondary audience will be females,because there are not as many female bands,but the males could attract the female audience.

The magazine will represent musical artist's in the genre alternative,it will represent celebrity/artists in a positive way. It will represent females and males not to be bias towards the other sex. it will represent stereotypical alternative music artists.

Thursday, 11 November 2010

music magazine breif

We have been asked to design a music magazine,with our own original idea's. It has to have a selected genre to work around. There needs to be at least four original images. We need to create a front cover,a contents page and a double page spread.

final front cover (x2)